Contribute in making the biggest change in modern history!
We can solve the problems of hunger, drought and global warming once and for all!
I will publish my new invention relates to a new concept concerning the conversion of the
forces of neodymium magnets into a rotational movement and then into
invention will be freely available for all companies wishing to manufacture it
without the need for a license concerning the industrial property rights,
because I will keep only the intellectual property. Follow me.
Calling all companies working in the field of renewable energy
production, be ready to contribute to the greatest change in contemporary human
history. You will reap huge profits from this invention, and clean energy will
be available for free in every home and every factory in this world. If the last century was the
century of the fossil fuel, this century will be the century of free energy.
The new power system is based on the new scientific theory that I have
developed which explains the method of harnessing constant natural forces to
produce free energy (Available on Research Gate & Sneak Peek
of CellPress)
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I may look like an ant carrying a drop of water and trying to put out the fire, but in fact I'm trying to round up the rest of the ants to remove the dirt barrier that separates between the river and the fire.
Imagine that every house has a free and clean source of energy, imagine that we will be able to produce free and clean energy without limit, all the problems of pollution, lack of food and shortage of water will disappear in a few years and the change be massive and unprecedented in the history of mankind.
I want to transfer the energy sector to the hands of the people by proving my theory and providing a free power system for each house in the world. Imagine that every house has a free and clean source of energy, imagine that we will be able to produce free and clean energy without limit, all the problems of pollution, lack of food and shortage of water will disappear in a few years and the change be massive and unprecedented in the history of mankind.
I firmly believe that it is possible to build a just and free human civilization in which each individual gets more than their needs and enjoys all their rights and freedoms, and it only depends on making the energy free for everyone in our world. The responsibility of leading the way to achieve the goal rests with each of us.
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