Golden Partners!

Our Golden Partners!

This page contains the list of our golden partners who supported us in our first steps to change the world by purchasing these banners. This list will remain, as long as the Internet exists, a testimony to the fact that a small group of people can succeed in changing the face of human civilization.

We are also working on creating our own professional platform, and our golden partners will be prominently featured on it.

Whether you are an organization, company or individual, you can benefit from the best visibility on all our current and future websites forever.

The list of our golden partners will be closed once the first industrial prototype of the dark energy engine is manufactured and the experiments to determine the shortest reference second within the Earth's cosmic depression are completed. The aim is to measure the shortest reference second on the surface of the sun in order to definitively solve the problem of clock synchronization in space to accurately manage space missions in our solar system and to confirm, in an applied manner, the new formula for the variable speed of light in space, as stated in the theory of cosmic depressions.

Once the dark energy engine is manufactured and the shortest reference second is determined within our solar system, our vehicles will travel without touching the ground, and our spaceships will travel between planets and land on Earth just as current airplanes travel between cities. The problems of water scarcity, food shortages, and pollution will be over, and each individual gets more than their needs and enjoys all their rights and freedoms.

If you want to benefit from our project by sharing the journey to success with us, you are invited to be part of our community.

You can purchase the “Banner forever” and benefit from the best visibility on all our current and future websites forever. 

Send us your logo or photo and your URL (website, LinkedIn account, LinkedIn page, Blog…) by email to and get the honor of contributing to launch the biggest, fastest and most peaceful change in contemporary human history. 

Purchase the “Banner forever” and benefit from the best visibility on all our current and future websites forever.

You can change the link and your photo/logo at any time, just contact us

👍🔄Purchase the “Bannerforever” Pay with PayPal, debit or credit Card (Optimized by PayPal)

The minimum price for the “banner forever” is $100 and the higher the amount, the banner will appear first on the list. 

Your banner will be displayed forever on the “Golden partners” pages of our blogs and our future platform within 8 business hours GMT

{Blog.1, Blog.2, Our platform(..soon)..} [No contract is necessary. Our work is based on good faith]

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