Human activity drives Earth to an era without snow

Scientists have discovered that if humans still do not control gas emissions, we risk putting the climate in a state similar to that of 50 million years ago.
According to scientists, in about 20 years the climate could return to a phase similar to that of the Middle Pliocene, more than 3 million years ago. By 2150, the climate could return to its level of 50 million years ago.
According to the report of the new study published in "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences", man-made change began to take place two centuries ago, accelerating the observed changes.
By studying future climate scenarios, the results showed that the Earth's climate could be similar to that of the Middle Pliocene period, where temperatures were more than 1.8 to 3.6 ° C, warmer than today, by 2030. Or 2040. The Panel also found that new climatic conditions, never seen before, could occur, particularly in East and South-East Asia, Australia. North and on the coasts of the Americas.
Source: Come2innovate


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