Climate change will affect winter

US scientists said that the amount of snow accumulated on the mountains was declining year after year, showing another time how dangerous the global warming of the planet was.
In addition to decreasing the amount of snow accumulated, the period of appearance of the mountains in white decreases year by year, which means that the winter period gradually decreases with the unprecedented increase in the heat of the planet?
Many parts of the world are therefore expected to suffer from a shortage of freshwater, as mountain snow is a vital source for rivers and wells.
The frequent fires in forests, as in California, are blatant proof of the early arrival of summer, at the expense of winter.
Scientists revealed the latest facts using satellite images confirmed by the official meeting of the American Geophysical Union, the largest gathering of international scientists in geology and space.
It should be noted that the last study was the result of a considerable academic and scientific effort, including the observation of the annual snow cycle and the rate of melting of the American mountain ranges from 1980 to 2018.

Source: Come2innovate
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