Full description of the invention

Invention: Conversion of the repulsion forces of permanent magnets into electrical energy.

The document describing the invention is available in English and French 

This invention is freely available to any company wishing to manufacture it without the need for a license regarding industrial property rights, as I only retained the intellectual property so this invention is currently available for use by anyone. without restriction

A little scientific and electrical knowledge can turn this research into a real free renewable power system but The know-how will be the only distinguishing factor between manufacturers, and the first to see the secrets of this invention will be the first to gain enough experience to harness the energy of the new century, the century of free renewable energy.

The document contains the theoretical systems and the calculation method from which I arrived to design the real system that will provide us with free renewable electricity for homes and factories.

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Our success in manufacturing these systems will bring about the biggest and fastest change in human history, as the energy will be in the hands of the people, man will rapidly transform from a failed being struggling daily for survival with the possibility of self-destruction at any moment to a self-sufficient being striving only for prosperity and peace 

Calling all companies involved in the energy industry, This invention is available free of charge for all companies wishing to manufacture it without the need for a license concerning industrial property rights, because I have kept only the intellectual property so this invention is currently available to use by anyone without restriction.

Invention: Conversion of the repulsion forces of permanent magnets into electrical energy.

1- System for producing electrical energy by the magnetic repulsion of permanent magnets.

2- Two first class levers inertial storage system.

3- Inertial storage system with divided balance.

4- Two balance scale inertial storage system.

Invented by: Sadok Ben Younes JABLI

Note: This invention is available free of charge for all companies wishing to manufacture it without the need for a license concerning industrial property rights, because I have kept only the intellectual property so this invention is currently available to use by anyone without restriction.

Field of invention

This invention relates to a mechanical arrangement which exploits the repulsive magnetic force between two super strong permanent magnets as a motor to perform useful work including the generation of electrical energy.

Field of industrial application of the invention

The electrical energy generation system by the magnetic repulsion of super-strong permanent magnets (rare-earth magnets) can be used to generate clean, free and unlimited electrical energy from a few watts up to hundreds of kilowatts and even up to a few megawatts.

The system can provide clean, free and unlimited electrical energy for:

ü Meet the electricity needs of an apartment

ü Meet the electricity needs of a factory

ü Meet the electricity needs of agricultural activities

ü Meet the electricity needs of seawater desalination

ü Meet the electrical heating needs

The present invention relates to a new concept concerning the conversion of the repulsive force of two permanent magnets into a rotational movement and then into electricity.

The system exploiting the repulsion forces of permanent magnets can exist in two kinds:

Kind A: System for producing electrical energy by the magnetic repulsion of permanent magnets

This system works like a motor that provides constant torque to spin an alternator and generate electrical power.

Kind B: Inertial energy storage system using the magnetic repulsion of permanent magnets

This system works like a flywheel that stores kinetic energy and then releasing it using an electricity generator.

The inertial energy storage system using the magnetic repulsion of permanent magnets can be designed in three different ways depending on the distribution of the masses (Kind B1, Kind B2, Kind B3)

Each kind of these inertial storage systems is effective in a well-determined range of power and rotational speed. Moreover, for the same total mass of each of these systems, each of them has a higher moment of inertia than the other.

Full description of the invention

Discover all the industrial secrets of the invention.

The document describing the invention is available in English and French

Note: This invention is available free of charge for all companies wishing to manufacture it without the need for a license concerning industrial property rights, because I have kept only the intellectual property so this invention is currently available to use by anyone without restriction.


1- Conversion of the repulsion forces of the permanent magnets into electrical energy by the mechanical arrangement of a set of permanent magnets, pairs of levers and a set of toothed wheels, one of the wheels is connected to an alternator and the system produces electrical energy directly or by kinetic storage.

2- A system for producing electrical energy by the magnetic repulsion of permanent magnets according to claim 1, intended to function as a main motor which supplies a torque and a constant speed of rotation from a pair or a set of pairs of levers to produce electrical energy directly with an alternator.

3- Two first class levers inertial storage system using the magnetic repulsion of permanent magnets according to claim 1, intended to function as a main motor to accelerate the rotation of a pair or set of pairs of levers to store kinetic energy and release it using an electricity generator.

4- Inertial storage system with divided balance using the magnetic repulsion of permanent magnets according to claim 1, intended to function as a main motor to accelerate the rotation of a pair or set of pairs of levers to store kinetic energy and release it using an electricity generator.

5- Two balance scales inertial storage system using the magnetic repulsion of permanent magnets according to claim 1, intended to function as a main motor to accelerate the rotation of a pair or set of pairs of levers to store kinetic energy and release it using an electricity generator.

Note: The new power system using permanent magnets is based on the new scientific theory that I have developed which explains the method of harnessing constant natural forces to produce energy (Available on Research Gate & Sneak Peek of CellPress )

© 2022 Sadok Ben Younes Jabli. All rights reserved

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