How to awaken your hidden extrasensory abilities?

 How to awaken your hidden extrasensory abilities?

My personal experience in diving inside myself, Extrasensory perception!

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This short ebook will be one of the most important secrets you discover in your life, and it will make you get to know yourself again!

Have you ever visited a city or a place in your dream that you had never been to before? Have you ever seen a dream that then came true, partially or completely in reality, and sometimes in its exact details? Has it never happened to you, even once, that you decided to make a phone call to someone and you found him calling you at the same moment, or you suddenly remembered someone you hadn't seen in a long time and then after a while you found him standing in front of you?

Sometimes we visit new places for the first time and feel that we have been there before, and what is even more amazing is that we know some of the most precise details of the place without having been there before, and sometimes we meet people for the first time and feel that we know them from before !!!

 All these phenomena and others are called extrasensory perception or ESP, and the most common and exciting of these phenomena are the phenomenon of telepathy (telepathy) and the phenomenon of clairvoyance. Telepathy is the transmission of thoughts and mental images between two people without the use of any of the five senses, and as for the phenomenon of clairvoyance or sensing, it is the ability to overcome the barrier of space and touch things that are very far away and acquire information about it without the intervention of any sense.

 Researchers have been interested in these phenomena and have tried to find scientific explanations for them, as well as the global intelligence services have competed since the 1950s to benefit from extrasensory phenomena.

 I also had my own experience with these supernatural phenomena, but I followed a different method to try to understand them, and my method was to dive into the depths of my being to search inside those dark places within the mind, and I discovered many secrets during this experience that enabled me to draw a new model of the structure of the human mind. This will help those who understand it to discover their hidden talents and to stimulate their supernatural abilities.

In this book, based on my own experience, I explained how to identify and exploit supernatural abilities, whether it is a creative power or a supernatural ability such as the phenomenon of sensing or clairvoyance in dreams, and the phenomenon of telepathy. I also touched on how to explore talents or special forms of perception within your subconscious mind, and how a person can overcome the barrier of space and train to visit any place in dreams or communicate with another person mentally, no matter how far away. I would also like to advise researchers interested in this field to read this book and provide their explanations for these phenomena and experiences that I mentioned in the book, and to compare the new structure that I proposed for the mind with the models currently in use.

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