
Showing posts from September, 2023

My personal experience in diving inside myself, Extrasensory perception !!!

  Have you ever visited a city or a place in your dream that you had never been to before? Have you ever seen a dream that then came true, partially or completely in reality, and sometimes in its exact details? Has it never happened to you, even once, that you decided to make a phone call to someone and you found him calling you at the same moment, or you suddenly remembered someone you hadn’t seen in a long time and then after a while you found him standing in front of you? Sometimes we visit new places for the first time and feel that we have been there before, and what is even more amazing is that we know some of the most precise details of the place without having been there before, and sometimes we meet people for the first time and feel that we know them from before !!! All these phenomena and others are called extrasensory perception or ESP, and the most common and exciting of these phenomena are the phenomenon of telepathy (telepathy) and the phenomenon of clairvoyance. Tel...

Third Theory of Gravitation: The Theory of Cosmic Depressions

  Third Theory of Gravitation: The Theory of Cosmic Depressions   Unified Theory of Gravity and Quantum Mechanics & System for recovering and converting dark energy into mechanical energy (IDERS) I. Introduction  Dark energy, which uniformly fills the entire Universe, remains the deepest mystery of cosmology and astrophysics. Although its large-scale influence has been observed and measured, its nature remains unknown to this day. Even the relativistic theory of gravitation developed by Albert Einstein, which has revolutionized our understanding of space and time, is unable to explain the mysteries of astrophysics and solve the problems posed by cosmology. The major drawback of general relativity is that it is not compatible with quantum mechanics. However, in order to solve these problems and understand these mysteries, including the most significant one, the mystery of dark energy, it is crucial to possess a unified theory of gravity and quantum mecha...

My personal experience in diving inside myself, Extrasensory perception !

  Have you ever visited a city or a place in your dream that you had never been to before? Have you ever seen a dream that then came true, partially or completely in reality, and sometimes in its exact details? Has it never happened to you, even once, that you decided to make a phone call to someone and you found him calling you at the same moment, or you suddenly remembered someone you hadn’t seen in a long time and then after a while you found him standing in front of you? Sometimes we visit new places for the first time and feel that we have been there before, and what is even more amazing is that we know some of the most precise details of the place without having been there before, and sometimes we meet people for the first time and feel that we know them from before !!! All these phenomena and others are called extrasensory perception or ESP, and the most common and exciting of these phenomena are the phenomenon of telepathy (telepathy) and the phenomenon of clairvoyance. Tel...