How we can solve the problems of hunger, drought and global warming once and for all ?!


Global warming represents a real threat to life on the planet, and according to the latest studies, dozens of coastal cities will sink due to the continuous rise in sea levels, while a third of the world's population will suffer from desert conditions by the year 2070.

Currently, more than 200 million people around the world live at an altitude of one meter from the sea level, and their lives are seriously threatened due to its continuous rise, which will also pollute the surface and groundwater and destroy agricultural crops.

According to studies prepared by the United Nations and other specialized environmental organizations, among the cities at risk of drowning are: New York and Los Angeles in the United States, Shanghai and Tianjin in China, Tokyo and Osaka-Kobe in Japan, Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, Mumbai and Calcutta in India, Jakarta in Indonesia, Buenos Aires in Argentina, Lagos in Nigeria, Karachi in Pakistan, and Bangkok in Thailand.

.Currently, around 80% of the world's primary energy needs come from fossil fuels, which emit around 34 billion tonnes of greenhouse carbon dioxide. The continued dependence on this fuel in light of increasing global energy consumption threatens to increase global temperatures and destroy life on the planet.

I do not believe that incomplete solutions to this expected catastrophe will be effective, and I have proposed a new scientific theory which will lead, in the medium term, to the definitive eradication of fossil fuels.

I have developed a new scientific theory that will allow the exploitation of constant natural forces to produce free energy such as the forces of hydrostatic pressure, atmospheric pressure, gravity and even the force of permanent magnets.

And I have presented a full study in the research currently published on Research Gate and Sneak Peek-CellPress under the title : “New theory of energy production exploiting constant natural forces, Study of a gravitational turbine ”, through which I have scientifically proven the possibility of exploiting the gravitational force to produce energy by means of a gravitational turbine. The theory will open the door to new research and may lead to more powerful inventions than I have proposed.

The problem is, nobody wants to fund a prototype in which I can practically prove this new theory, and more than that, nobody wants to make a technical confrontation to prove the invalidity of my theory because maybe they are related to the economics of fossil fuels or perhaps because they fear the financial oligarchy that controls the global economy and fears the shock of the end of fossil fuels, although what I am proposing will not cause any economic shock and will not affect oil industry because it will not end suddenly the dependence of vehicles on oil, but rather it will be a quiet development during which they can participate in the investment and development of this new industry, “the industry of free energy”.

The new theory will end global warming and will provide justice, peace, water and food for all the people of the world, and the financial oligarchy will not need to create virus and plan disasters in order to kill people and reduce the population of the world, and they will discover that their sick dreams cannot be realized and that it is possible to build a just and free human civilization in which each individual gets more than their needs and enjoys all their rights and freedoms.

It only depends on making the energy free for everyone and the responsibility of leading the way to achieve the goal rests with each of us. It will be the biggest, fastest and most peaceful change in contemporary human history.


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