How we can solve the problems of hunger, drought and global warming once and for all ?!
Global warming represents a real threat to life on the planet, and according to the latest studies, dozens of coastal cities will sink due to the continuous rise in sea levels, while a third of the world's population will suffer from desert conditions by the year 2070. Currently, more than 200 million people around the world live at an altitude of one meter from the sea level, and their lives are seriously threatened due to its continuous rise, which will also pollute the surface and groundwater and destroy agricultural crops. According to studies prepared by the United Nations and other specialized environmental organizations, among the cities at risk of drowning are: New York and Los Angeles in the United States, Shanghai and Tianjin in China, Tokyo and Osaka-Kobe in Japan, Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, Mumbai and Calcutta in India, Jakarta in Indonesia, Buenos Aires in Argentina, Lagos in Nigeria, Karachi in Pakistan, and Bangkok in Thailand. .Currently, around 80% of the world...