Top 10 strange in space we were unaware of its existence

اÙ„فضاØ¡ مليØ¡ باÙ„أÙ…ور اÙ„غريبØ© اÙ„مثيرØ© للدهشØ© واÙ„تÙŠ لا تزاÙ„ بحاجØ© إلى اكتشافها (رويترز)
Although we do not know what it is that is our vast and infinite universe, what we have found so far is an amazing mixture of weirdness.

In her report, published by Business Insider, Sophia Metrocustas presented a list of the most extraordinary things in space that we did not know existed.

A huge cloud in space may smell like sugar cane juice

The "Bow 2" cloud is the orange-red zone in the center left of the image (NASA / ESO / AIPAC)

The author reported that there is a vast cloud known as the "arc b2", consisting of dust and gas located in the center of our galaxy. It contains the form of ethyl formate, the molecule that gives sugarcane juice yeast a unique aroma, and gives the berries a delicious taste as well.

Scientists who find a planet may be made of solid diamonds

The diamond planet is associated with a neutron star known as a millisecond (Reuters)

During the year 2017, a team of international astronomers discovered a planet likely to be made of solid diamonds. The planet is associated with a neutron star, known as millisecond pulse (PSR J1719-1438). Scientists believe it is made entirely of high density carbon, making it crystalline.

A planet made entirely of ice, but it burns

Planet Glaze 436B compared to the planet Nyoto (Wikimedia Commons)

The planet Glaze 436B, located outside the solar system, is very strange, because it is made up of ice but seems to burn.
In fact, the planet's surface temperature is about 439 degrees Celsius, but the massive gravitational force from the center of the planet contributes to the preservation of its icy nature. It also maintains the density of the ice, as well as the pressure of any water vapor that may evaporate.

The stars of the pulsating black widow destroy other stars

Star of the black widow pulsing, or "spring J1311-3430" as seen from Earth (NASA)

The author noted that the American Astronomical Society has designated the star of the black widow-spring ("jab-j1311-3430") - in the list of neutron stars.

It is known that the neutron star bursts the star accompanying it slowly through its radiation, and the process is based on the explosion of a large number of constituents of other stars, then decrease the speed of rotation of this star, and the energy lost by the low speed of rotation to destroy the star accompanying him, Leading to evaporation.

Scientists discover a rogue planet hovering in the universe without a star

Expressive image of the rogue planet "CFBDSIR2149" discovered in 2012 (Wikimedia Commons)

According to the author, the rogue planet "CFBDSIR2149" discovered in 2012, caused a great controversy, as it roams in space without a star unlike other planets.

In fact, the planet is estimated to be about seven times the size of Jupiter, and astronomers are likely to have billions of rogue planets, more than the number of planets within the solar system.

A planet raining sharp glass on its sides

An illustration of the planet HD 89733B is the first X-ray planet to pass in front of its native star, NASA.

On the surface, the beautiful blue spectrum of the planet HD 89733B, which is outside the solar system, suggests that its environmental nature is calm and peaceful, but in fact it is completely opposite.

The wind on the surface of the planet is 8690 kilometers per hour, which is about seven times the speed of sound, and it is believed that the rains that sweep the surface of the surface are composed of toothpaste.

A set of livable planets

"Ross 128B" A planet outside the solar system and its temperature is suitable to be water on its surface (NASA)

In 2017, one of the most promising discoveries in astronomy emerged. The Southern European Observatory identified a planet outside the solar system about 11 light years from Earth, known as the Ross 128B.

Scientists have speculated that living conditions on this rocky planet are appropriate, as its proper temperature contributes to the formation of water on its surface.

Stars rush into space like a meteor

The stars that fly like the stars can be bigger than our sun many times (Anatolia)

Astronomers have discovered high-speed stars in 2015, and have suggested that their formation takes place when the destruction of a binary star - a two-star astral system - is caused by a massive black hole.
In the wake of this process, the black hole swallows one of these stars, while the other star is sent through space at a rate of up to millions of kilometers per hour. 

A hundred mirrors on the surface of the moon

Astronomers are still using this painting of mirrors to calculate the distance between Earth and the moon.

The author highlighted that the astronauts Bez Aldern and Neil Armstrong put up a two-foot panel covered by 100 lunar mirrors.
It should be noted that astronomers are still using this painting to this day to calculate the distance between the moon and earth, using the reflection of laser pulses on these mirrors.

The largest water source in the universe floats around a black hole

Illustration of a false star - or the area surrounding a black hole - resembling the pseudo-star "IBM 5255 + 08279 (NASA / ESA)

Astronomers have considered the quasi-star "Quasar" (IBM 5255 + 08279) to be the largest water reservoir ever discovered. This pseudo-star contains a black hole surrounded by a cloud of vapor that contains 140 trillion times the amount of water on the planet's surface.

It is worth mentioning that the pseudo-star (Koizar) is the hot gas zone directly surrounding a huge black hole, and the temperature of several hundred thousand degrees Celsius, and the light and other rays, and the appearance of similar to the star because of bright brilliance.



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