About inventor !


Sadok JABLI independent researcher, inventor and author 

I firmly believe that it is possible to build a just and free human civilization in which each individual gets more than their needs and enjoys all their rights and freedoms, and it only depends on making the energy free for everyone in our world. The responsibility of leading the way to achieve the goal rests with each of us. 

The scientific community justifies its use of the term “perpetual motion” by considering it a theoretical motion which cannot exist in reality and cannot become a source of energy, but I practically proved that:

ü There is a continuous rotational movement which results from gravity and also from a set of permanent magnets when using a specific technical solution.

ü The amount of the input energy is equals to the amount of output energy.

ü The overall entropy of the system increases due to the heat released during the transformation of energy. 

I would like to note my objection to the combination of the two words "motion" which denotes the transformation and dissipation of energy and "perpetual" which denotes the violation of the laws of thermodynamics.

In my opinion: Free energy is the energy produced by a system capable of repetitively stimulating a constant natural force and causing it to move periodically and continuously.

The complete research is avalable on Research Gate: New theory of energy production exploiting constant natural forces

The amount of energy required for starting or operating (as the case may be) the technical solution responsible for stimulating the constant natural force is not the only amount of input energy to the system but also the amount of energy produced by the stimulated natural force is an input energy. The output energy is the sum of the two quantities.

The amount of energy is always the same regardless of the physical transformations that take place in the system. 

I believe that the cosmic abundance of energy surrounds us and that we can generate free energy from constant natural forces like the force of gravity, atmospheric pressure, hydrostatic pressure, permanent magnets…!

                                "New Renewable Electricity Sources”

Please feel free to use these researches to your own profits (final course projects, theses, development, construction...) 

1. New theory of energy production exploiting constant natural forces, Study of a gravitational turbine

2. Invention of a new technology to produce energy by atmospheric pressure: Atmospheric Machine.

3. Invention of a new technology to produce renewable energy by the means of water hydrostatic pressure: Hydrostatic machine.

4. Invention of an atmospheric machine using frigorific cycle to produce electric energy: Frigorific cycle atmospheric machine.

5. Invention of a "New protective device against current leaks without grounding"

Note: All of my research are available for free on Research Gate Academia and MyScienceWork 

I would like to invite all institutions, researchers and students interested in this field to continue researching these systems.

Together we can change🌴🌼

Please feel free to use these researches to your own profits (final course projects, theses, development, construction...) 

Please share with your friends so that others can be inspired😊


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